Be prepared for a fascinating and enjoyable evening.
During the aperitif, Ana and Iphi unveil the ideal assembly for drawn representation, a model based on the experience of the four Brussels Citizens' Assemblies that Agora organized. Together with all sympathizers, volunteers and assemblers, we are giving Agora a boost in the run-up to the next elections.
During dinner we discuss the challenges our community faces and generate creative ideas to grow stronger together. Feel free to stick around to reminisce, improve the world or simply get to know each other better over a drink afterwards.
Let us go for it together, make Brussels better and strengthen democracy!
When? Wednesday October 18
What time? 6:30 PM
Where? Au Bassin (room upstairs)
Address? Baksteenkaai 74, 1000 Brussels
Participation is free, but registration below is required. Spread it or share it and invite via the event on Facebook or LinkedIn!