The second cycle of the Brussels Citizens' Assembly, of the reactive type, has agreed the position it will take in reaction to 5 proposed ordinances and resolutions of the different commissions of the Brussels Parliament. The parliamentary team will follow up on this work in the commissions and plenary session!

Timeline of parliamentary activities
Below you can explore all actions of Agora at the Brussels Parliament concerning the various themes of the reactive cycle. These are questions, interpellations, votes and proposals for legal texts introduced by the elected parliamentarian for Agora. Tap the labels to explore actions.
Latest posts on cycle 2
Work in Parliament
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Theme: Abolition of a city councillor position
The assembly agreed unanimously to to disagree with the proposed text. The assembly members are therefore against the proposal, for the reasons cited in the argument above.
Current situation
Waiting to be put on the agenda by the Brussels Parliament.
Topic: Access to sanitary products
Here the assembly has taken the position of conditional agreement with the proposed text. The assembly members are therefore in favour of the proposal for the reasons mentioned in the argument above, on condition that amendment no. 4 is incorporated.
Current situation
Waiting to be put on the agenda by the Brussels Parliament.
Topic: Accessibility of buildings for people with reduced mobility
Since this resolution addressing a pressing societal need, the assembly has decided to agree with the text, even if none of its proposed amendments would be accepted. The assembly members are in favour of the proposal for the reasons and points of consideration listed in the section “general considerations” of the report.
Current situation
Waiting to be put on the agenda by the Brussels Parliament.
Theme: Creation of a health insurance
The assembly ultimately decided to disagree with the proposed text. The assembly members are therefore against the proposal for the reasons cited in the argument above.
Current situation
On May 6, 2021, the members of the “Health and Welfare” Commission of the Joint community commission discussed the proposed decree. The whole proposal was rejected by 8 votes to 1, with 3 abstentions.
The report of the committee's discussion can be accessed on the website of the Brussels Parliament under the number B-9/2.
On May 28, 2021, there was a general discussion of the text in the plenary session. Among other contributions, the Agora representative, Pepijn Kennis, presented the analysis and reasons that led the Brussels Citizens' Assembly to reject the text. With regard to the conclusions of the committee, which also leant towards rejecting the text, 60 members voted for, 5 against and 14 members abstained. The members of the Joint Community Commission (ARCCC/VVGGC) therefore endorsed the decisions, and the text was thus rejected.
The full (provisional) report of this plenary session of the Brussels Parliament can be found as report no. 23.
Topic: Fight against cyberviolence
The assembly took the position of agreement with the proposed text. The assembly members are in favour of the proposal for the reasons given in the argument above.
Current situation
On May 25, the text was discussed in the committee for “Equal Opportunities and Women's Rights”. Among other speeches, Pepijn Kennis, Agora representative, expressed the enthusiasm of the ACB and its analysis which led to the two amendments being introduced. These were co-signed by the members of parliament who originally put forward the text.
Because another text on a related issue was under consideration at the same time (that of revenge porn, document A-211/1, filed by Ms. Lefranck Véronique of the CdH), the vote on both texts was postponed for one week.
On June 1, the text on "cyberviolence" was voted on in committee, and the amendments proposed by the ACB were passed unanimously. The text was accepted with its amendments, with 10 votes in favour and 2 abstentions.
Parliamentary report A-331/2 records the committee discussion and also the amendments at the end of the report which can be accessed via the website of the Brussels Parliament.
On June 11, the committee's report was presented in the plenary session. Mandated by the ACB, the Agora representative, Pepijn Kennis, outlined the ACB position and reasoning. The amended text was accepted by the Brussels Parliament with 65 votes for, and 20 abstentions.
The full (provisional) report n° 353 of the Brussels Parliament plenary session of 11 June contains the various speeches on this text.
The final resolution is available on the parliament website, including the two amendments proposed by the Assembly (see point 3 of indent 1, and indent 6).
Parliamentary question: question relating to the trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur
Current situation
These questions were tabled in parliament on May 31. They were then deemed admissible on June 2, and on June 28, the Minister responsible, Mr. Pascal Smet, answered the question in the Committee on European Affairs.
You can read the answer in the report of the committee meeting via the parliament website (page 16-18), or watch the video of the minister's question and answer.