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The Agora movement has developed different tools to work towards its goal of promoting deliberative democracy through selection by lot.   


The non-profit organisation Agora.Brussels, founded in February 2019, provided funding for the electoral campaign of the Agora.Brussels list. A donation to the Agora.Brussels non-profit organisation enabled us to finance the campaign, allowing us to have a spokesperson for the Citizens' Assembly drawn by lot within the Brussels regional parliament. Any money collected during the crowdfunding campaign from February to April 2019 which was not used for election expenses will be transferred to the non-profit organisation Reboot Democracy and put towards financing the assembly.


The non-profit organisation Reboot Democracy, launched in June 2018, is the legal structure of the Agora movement. It promotes citizen participation in particular through selecting participants by lot, and campaigns for the implementation of this method at the institutional level. More specifically, it is responsible for financing and managing the Brussels assembly of representatives selected by lot. This will be financed by the Agora parliamentarians, who will transfer more than two thirds of their salaries to the association, as well as through other donations and subsidies.


Agora, 2024

Brussels, Belgium

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