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Process of a mandate

themandateof a draw will lasta yearand will be divided intotwo 5-day cyclesof meetings.Each cycle will give the opportunity to the citizens drawn by lot to express themselves ona subject. Between each subject (so every 6 months), half of the Assembly will be renewed. In this way, continuity in the Assembly is ensured.


Each cycle is spread over aduration of 3 and a half monthsand is organized as follows:

  • Day 1 :

    • ½ day welcome

    • Division of the Assembly into two groups (proactive and reactive, see below)

    • ½ day of discovery of the subject

  • Days 2,3,4:

    • Deliberations and interventions by external persons.

    • Production of a positioning of the Assembly

  • Day 5:

    • ½ day to validate a motion for a resolution drafted by AGORA members mandated by the Assembly.

    • ½ day of evaluation (personal, possibility of expression, general functioning of the Assembly)

The project

Meetings will be held onSaturdayfor a full day of9 a.m. to 6 p.m.. Citizens drawn at random will receive asmall remunerationper day spent at the Meeting (around €40 per day). Anurserywill be scheduled.

The project
  • 1 month between days 1 and 2.

  • 2 weeks between days 2 and 3 and 4.

  • 1 month between days 4 and 5.

The project

Several arrangements have been put in place to ensure an informed debate in which not every citizen can actually take part.

  • Of thefacilitatorsprofessionals will frame the debate to allow an equal right to speak and avoid the establishment of mechanisms of domination.

  • The Assembly will welcomespeakers, chosen in order to clarify the stakes of the questions addressed.

  • The positioning of the Assembly will be determined by methods of common choice, such as themajority judgment.

  • The validation of the resolution will be based on a vote at themajority of ⅔.

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