Why 3333 signatures?
Agora collects 3333 support signatures in Brussels.
3333 signatures,including at least 500 Dutch speakers!
We need at least 500 Dutch-speaking signatures because we present a list in the Dutch-speaking college.
We rather aim for 3333 FR or NL signatures because this:
corresponds better to the fact that we are a bilingual movement
illustrates the support among the population
demonstrates the energy within the movement
Why a list at the Dutch-speaking college?
Agora is a bilingual movement, but we do not hesitate to exploit the advantages offered by the institutional tangle that reigns in our country.
By introducing our list only to the Dutch-speaking electoral college, we increase our chances of obtaining an elected representative.
Indeed, the electoral threshold on the Dutch-speaking side is very low, since only 3333 votes are needed for a person to obtain a seat there.
How to vote on May 26 2019?
As a French-speaking Brussels resident you can vote for a Dutch-speaking list.